Monday, March 09, 2015

[eispslzx] Larger Entire Isotropic Chess

We revisit the idea of Entire Isotropic Chess but with 108 possible piece types including the (strong) dabbabarider.  For pieces that are multiply colorbound, we replicate as necessary to achieve parity.  This yields -1 + 8*1 additional pieces for the alfil family (namely just the alfil), -2*2 + 4*4 for the dabbaba family, and -2*3*2 + 2*12 for the ferz family.  This yields 139 total (if I've counted right).  Two of every piece gets 278, and a king makes 279.  A 36x36 board would make the initial position about 49% full, assuming 36 pawns (so 315 pieces per player).  A 24x24 board would be 97% full (20 empty squares), assuming no pawns and no king, for a bloodbath variant.

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