Sunday, February 02, 2014

[qdlidmwg] Rape fantasies

Hypothesize that people who have the sub side of rape fantasies tend to be more sexually repressed.  The underlying psychological model is that they cannot imagine actively going to get sex; it must come to them.  If true, this becomes useful because the amount of rape fantasy one has can be easily quantified, while the degree of sexual repression cannot.  Further hypothesize correlation of rape fantasies with other aspects of personality and ultimately actions.  Paradoxically, those who have rape fantasies could be the ones most psychologically harmed by actual rape, applying the model that sexual repression magnifies degree to which one feels personally violated.  This paradox might contribute to the harmful confusion many survivors report.

We could also hypothesize correlations with those who have the dom side of rape fantasies.  One paradoxical hypothesis: those who have the dom side of rape fantasies tend not to commit actual rape.  This is based on reports that those who commit rape, especially date rape, don't think they are committing rape.  In contrast, those who fantasize, fantasize about that which they are forbidden from doing in real life; that is, they have a clear idea of what is forbidden. The problem is, then, the demonization of those who enjoy the dom side of rape fantasies may actually be counterproductive to society.

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