Monday, December 16, 2013

[mhmfjpwt] Lilypond notes

Some notes (and bugs) for creating sheet music for marching band, wanting to pack everything as tightly as possible to fit it on to one page.

\version "2.14.2"
% We wish we could pack the part, title, and composer/arranger tightly at the top of the page.
\layout {
\context {
\remove "Bar_number_engraver"
indent = #0
ragged-last = ##t
\paper {
system-system-spacing = #'(( basic-distance . 0.1 ) (padding . 0))
% boxes take up less space than circles
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet
\override Score.SpacingSpanner #'packed-spacing = ##t
% (bug) Glissando in packed spacing is too packed. It becomes barely visible, e.g. 4th-line D up to 2-ledger D.
% and trill style makes it even worse, so do not do it.
%\override Glissando #'style = #'trill
% We wish we could turn off clef and key signature for 2nd and later lines.
% We wish rehearsal letters could be shifted around to save vertical space, especially if there is a high note on the first beat or at the end of the previous measure.
% Single percent repeats do not need to be annotated above with "2". Scatter about:
\set countPercentRepeats = ##t
% We wish we could decrease horizontal spacing on double-percents.
% We wish we could pack whole rests and breve rests even tighter.
% packed-spacing does something stupid with ^"text text text text text"

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