Monday, July 22, 2013

[bzjlocqc] Most important questions in the universe

To predict the ultimate fate of the universe, we need the answers to the following questions:

Do protons decay?
What is the nature and quantity of dark matter?
What is the nature and quantity of dark energy?
Are we living in a false vacuum?
What happens (perhaps macroscopic quantum effects) at extremely cold temperatures and long time scales?
(Fred C. Adams, Gregory Laughlin, "A Dying Universe: The Long Term Fate and Evolution of Astrophysical Objects", 1997)

Fascinating is that science may discover the answers soon.

Metaphysically shocking is that we even know the questions, which begs the meta question: are these really the most important questions in the universe?

Inspired by Doctor Who, which claims "Doctor who?" is the most important question in the universe. And Asimov's "Last Question."

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