Wednesday, May 16, 2012

[ssdtshjt] Draw offers adjournment

Modify the draw offer procedure in chess such that the side which accepts the draw can rescind the acceptance the next day.  This is most easily applicable in a match.  The temporary draw offer becomes merely an adjournment.  The side which offered the draw does not enjoy the privilege of changing his or her mind.

In contrast to the Christmas draw rule proposal, all three results remain possible for both players if play is resumed, so one will choose to continue only if fairly sure not to lose (and a reasonable chance of winning).

In contrast to current chess etiquette, the side currently at the disadvantage might strategically offer a draw.  Then, the other side must decide whether it is better to try to convert the position today, or tomorrow after the adjournment when both sides have had the opportunity to prepare attacks and defenses, presumably with the aid of computers and teammates. We might see better endgame play.

Yet another variation allows draws to be resumed only if the match ends in a tie.  It's better to try this before other, more random,  tie-breaking methods.

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