Tuesday, April 10, 2012

[gqonogca] Which city to nuke?

It seems inevitable that someday one of our enemies will obtain The Bomb, so to help them choose, which city should they nuke first?  Vote in comments below. (Which is the least liked populous American city?)

  1. New York
  2. Los Angeles
  3. Chicago
  4. Philadelphia
  5. Miami
  6. Dallas-Ft. Worth
  7. Boston
  8. Washington
  9. Detroit
  10. Houston
  11. Atlanta
  12. San Francisco-Oakland
  13. Phoenix
  14. Seattle
  15. San Diego
  16. Minneapolis-St. Paul
  17. Cleveland
  18. St. Louis
  19. Baltimore
  20. Tampa-St. Petersburg

It still seems an absurd question, as such an attack would provoke us into an entire nuclear obliteration of the enemy.  A military target, then?

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