Saturday, February 18, 2012

[xhkahuhn] Asteroid mass black hole

Object classification: Safe.  Although SCP n+1 can easily bring about an XK-class end of the world scenario upon collision with Earth, both its solar system-wide gravitational mechanics and its local general relativistic effects are well understood.

Containment procedures: The existence of SCP n+1 shall kept secret from the general public to prevent panic and until more is understood about its origin. No known natural processes (e.g., stellar evolution) could have created SCP n+1, suggesting it was placed there for potentially sinister purposes by vastly technologically advanced entity. 

Although SCP n+1 emits no electromagnetic radiation, its existence can be inferred by the general public during episodes of gravitational lensing. The SCP Foundation will [DATA EXPUNGED] to sabotage sky surveys and astronomical observations during the moments SCP n+1 occults and lenses a background object. These episodes can be predicted in advance.

Description: SCP n+1 is an asteroid-mass black hole in the vicinity of the Sun/Earth L4 Lagrange point.

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