Sunday, February 19, 2012

[qdzpgort] Teaching as enabling learning

Education, especially to young children, should provide not so much simplified introductions but a table of contents.  The difference being the emphasis on how to learn more if the student is curious. Young children often are, and we need to harness that self-directed appetite for learning.

Very few things do this.

Inspired by museum exhibits: your curiosity piqued, are you improved in your ability to take the next step toward becoming an expert on the subject?  Or does the exhibit have the feeling of the end of the line of knowledge?  Do you now know where to read or turn next?

The next step after beginner-level or teaser-level information on a subject is intermediate-level, not expert-level.  Each level needs to point to the next and not jump too many levels.

(Wikipedia is doing this wrong, especially in its incomprehensible mathematics articles.)

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