Wednesday, January 04, 2012

[dilxhzub] Thwarting sniping in online auctions

Have the end time of the auction not publicly announced at high resolution, only "after this point in time", perhaps use the exponential distribution or Poisson.  (What should be its parameters?)

This hopefully causes bidders to privately immediately bid their true value (though the bidding mechanism should only announce a price that just beats the next highest bidder).  This hopefully induces the price during most of the auction not to be artificially low until a sudden sniping strike at the end.

Perhaps announce cryptographic hash of "end time + nonce" which can be verified after the auction, as a slight assurance there is not bid rigging going on, e.g., waiting for some bidder to make the winning bid and immediately closing the auction.

1 comment :

Ken said...

Candle auction