Friday, November 26, 2010

[wgfgukmb] Exercise incentive with a smartphone

Break up a story, audiobook, movie, etc. into multiple parts.  To unlock or download each next part, you need to walk (jog etc.,) to the next location, at which point the next part becomes available on your GPS enabled smartphone.  You can take a break to read (etc.) it, or enjoy it as you head to the next location.  Slightly silly is text delivered one letter at a time as the distance to the next destination decreases; I think you'd want a heads up display. Evil is you need to reach each destination within a certain time, encouraging you to run fast.

For a more elaborate stunt, perhaps involving a mass group of participants, put large bar codes at each destination, which must be scanned to unlock.

The exercise bike version, too, though far more boring.

Would be interesting to distribute exclusive content this way: for a special early viewing of an upcoming movie, get your butt off the couch!

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