Friday, March 12, 2010

[blpyjpog] Cthulhu is older than evil

Create a mythology, or adapt an existing one, which, in chronicling how the universe was created, has the characters of Good and Evil created very late as minor deities, long after the other more powerful forces of the universe.

Such a mythology, with named characters, would help explain allegorically how the world works, as we struggle to attach ethical labels of good and bad to events and and forces that are "older", or "more powerful" than the labels.  The biggest example is our own sexuality and sex drive and the actions people take because of it: in real life, it's the ancient force of evolution driving us to propagate our DNA to the next generation, but an allegorical explanation might help.

Note that the Judeo-Christian mythology, with Heaven and Hell to which all other characters and individual fates are assigned, will not do.

Inspired by the classification of Cthulhu as one of the Great Old Ones in the Lovecraft mythology.  My interpretation may be inconsistent with it, but I think one can look at Cthulhu and be disgusted or horrified, but not actually consider him evil (other interpretations do equate Cthulhu with evil), in that Cthulhu bringing about the End Of The World in chaos and grisly death is merely his "natural" role in the universe, a role which had been put into motion since its creation.

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