Wednesday, February 10, 2010

[vywsklqo] Voronoi based drawing

A simple interface for a drawing program:

Click a point.  The computer calculates a Voronoi cell around that point.  Pick a color for that cell (for maximum simplicity, black or white).  Repeat.

One may flat shade the cell that color, or assign the color to each point and shade with gradients according to the Delauney triangulation.

One might also choose a color for a voronoi edge, and gradient shade to one or both neighboring cell centers.

Edit operations: move, delete a point (cell).  Select a group of points for a batch edit operation.  There's a Fitts law elegance in selecting Voronoi cells.

Because the drawing is specified by discrete points, this is a vector format, and can be rendered at any resolution and color depth.

This has probably already been done.

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