Tuesday, February 16, 2010

[locoecxe] Window local temporary browser permissions

Although NoScript Javascript disabling and the Firefox built-in cookie manager offer the options of "temporarily" allow javascript/cookies from this site for this session only, I desire a more restrictive version of temporarily:  Temporarily for the lifetime of this window (or tab) only, and visible only to this window.  If we allow a cookie, that cookie is visible only from that tab: Google Analytics ought not be able to track your behavior between windows even if two unrelated sites both use GA.  Similarly, allowing javascript from google-analytics.com should be a permission granted to that window only, and revoked at the end of the lifetime of the window.

Or sooner: the browser can rules to determine that a user is leaving a site within the same window, and drop temporary permissions and destroy cookies.  Some possible rules: clicking on any link to a new page; clicking on a link to a new host; manually entering a new URL or selecting a bookmark.

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