Create a virtual computer model of a human designed to simulate human movement. All the human motion constraints are in there: how strong the muscles are, how flexible and springy the joints are, how much the various body segments weigh.
Create an interface to program such a model. Do better than having to specify how much every muscle must flex at every point in time. Perhaps some goal oriented interface going through key frames. Maybe a feedback subsystem to (for example) just be able to stand upright.
It would be nice to take something that exists and modify it: interface with motion capture technologies.
Produce an animation of your virtual human model going through the motions (this problem has already been mostly solved).
Of the many uses of this new technology (inevitably somehow porn, of course) I originally had in mind a virtual dancer with which a choreographer can choreograph something, tweaking until it looks right, before giving it to a real dancer to perform. It is very important that the virtual model be constrained to move in only the ways a human can actually move. Be able to give a measure of how difficult the programmed motion would be to an actual human.
It might be possible to do dance commissions this way: the choreographer publishes the animation seeking to hire someone to perform it.
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