Friday, July 20, 2007

Blitz Chess Film Idea

Take some famous chess game and have two actors play it out as if it were a blitz chess game with pieces flying around as fast as hands can move them. For maximum irony, choose a postal chess game. Overlay it with audio of a very-rapid-talking colorful play-by-play commentator.

Playing on a board is cool (definitely choose a chess set that the pieces make a sharp tap when placed on the board, or add such a sound effect in post). It might also be interesting if the game is acted out with real people dressed up as chess pieces sprinting around the chess field.

Another idea, mentioned previously, is to use Yoko Ono's all-white chess set to reenact a game, or actually play one for real, with the players both clad in white. I think the board should be all white as well (with lines separating the squares, like shogi) and not a checkerboard.

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