Saturday, December 09, 2006

Send your corpse to Mars!

Getting to Mars is a lot easier if it's a one-way trip.

Getting to Mars is a lot easier if you don't need a controlled landing.

Getting to Mars is a lot easier if you don't need life support.

So, if you want to "technically" be the first person on Mars, you can arrange to have your dead body sent and "buried" on Mars. The technical challenges of sending a ~100 kg payload to Mars have already been solved, especially if it's also acceptable if the landing is botched and you your corpse is eternally preserved in the cold vacuum of space. Or you land on the Sun.

Sir Richard Branson, are you listening? Make it a service of Virgin Galactic.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

That would be awesome anybody hows how much it would cost to send your corpse into space?