Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Building a pyramid out of bricks

Suppose you are constructing a pyramid out of blocks like the ancient Egyptians did. Each new block is placed centered over the point where the corners of four blocks of the level below meet. What is the ultimate shape of the pyramid as a function of the dimensions of the bricks of which it is composed?

Let the length along the edge from base to apex be called the side length. If cubes are used, the ratio of the side length to the base length is sqrt(6):2., which is taller than an equilateral square pyramid. If flatter blocks are used, with height sqrt(0.5) times width or length, then each face is an equilateral triangle. If one builds an upside-down pyramid beneath it as a foundation, then it's a half-buried regular octahedron.

If the Egyptians made equilateral triangle faces, then they must have known the Pythagorean Theorem, as well as a practical method of extracting square roots.

There is one more interesting square pyramid: the one formed by connecting the corners of a face of a cube to the center. It has side length sqrt(3)/2 and is related to the rhombic dodecahedron. It may be constructed by stacking half-cubes.

What material should it be constructed out of to stand the test of time? Poured concrete, perhaps reinforced, is the choice in this day and age (forget blocks: just pour each layer directly) but it would be very cool to see one constructed of giant blocks of clear artificial quartz. Diamond may catch fire, maybe sapphire would also work: is it aluminum oxide? There might not be enough aluminum.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Hi Ken,
I see the pyramids as "devices" or "machines"...for what I can't say. The great pyramid being not actually a pyramid, but an octahedron, only half of which is visible, the lower half being formed by the placement of quartz at the opposing point of the top, which also had gold and quartz and probably lapis lazuli. there was probably all three elements at all six points of the octohedron.

Quartz crystal is already a "sending device" with no characteristic of its own. The Lapis Lazuli bumps up quartz's sending ability by a factor of many thousands. Gold strengthens that even further. Quartz can be directed by thought..... so when the whole device is put into action you can see how it could easily be used to send messages immense distances.

My thing is Rock-Medicine ... and also been studying the Bock saga for about 3 years...

Lots of good info over at AtlantisOnline....see ya,