Thursday, January 26, 2006

Punctuation Frequences

Punctuation Frequences

perl -nlwe 'next if /^Auth/ or /^From:/;print' wm| sort | uniq -c | perl -nlwe 'die unless /^\s*(\d+) (.*)/;print $2 if $1==1' | perl -plwe 's/[A-Za-z0-9 ]//g' | perl -nlwe '@F=split//;print for @F'| sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > www/one/punctuation-frequencies

There really are 27 letters in the alphabet (symbols used to form words), including apostrophe.

Word frequencies:
perl -nlwe 'next if /^Auth/ or /^From:/;print' wm| sort | uniq -c | perl -nlwe 'die unless /^\s*(\d+) (.*)/;print $2 if $1==1' | perl -plwe 's/http\S+//g'|perl -plwe '$_=lc;s/[^a-z0-9\x27]/ /g' | perl -nlwae 'for(@F){s/^\x27*//;s/\x27*$//;print}' | sort|uniq -c | sort -nr |

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