Saturday, December 15, 2018

[ajzhdbqv] Continuous go

Remove the discrete grid from go 囲碁 and allow placement of pieces anywhere.

A piece is a unit disc that can touch but not overlap any other discs.  A chain is a collection of discs all of the same color connected by tangency.

An eye is an empty area into which at least one unit disc could fit.  A chain is alive if it borders at least one eye.

Not sure how scoring would work.  Maybe Voronoi.

Variants: a player can play a disc that overlaps already played discs of the player's color.  A player can play a disc of any size equal to or smaller than a unit disc.  These moves probably get penalized in scoring.  A player can play any convex shape with area less than or equal to the unit disc.  The requirement of convexity hopefully avoids shapes from becoming too bizarre.


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