Friday, December 14, 2018

[flzvnqeo] Points scored by a team against good defense

Individual scoring records, e.g., Wilt Chamberlain's 100 and Kobe Bryant's 81 points in a game (coincidentally 10^2 and 9^2), are not very interesting because they involve unnatural behavior: teammates feeding the star the ball without good reason.

Points scored by a team is more interesting because basketball is a team sport.  However, if the opposing team isn't trying very hard to play defense, then points scored is less interesting.

Which team had the best defense, say, over a given season?  Who scored the most points in a game against them?  Or over multiple meetings in a season?  Or a broader statistic of points a team scored over opponents' average points allowed?

Also consider discounting by probability points scored during garbage time.

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