Saturday, October 03, 2020

[bvcvsghp] chess on hexagonal and triangular tessellations

starting from Glinski hexagonal chess, consider additional possible variations: add a ferz (single-step bishop, travels sqrt(3)~=1.7).  make the royal piece move as a wazir (single-step rook).  eliminate the knight because sqrt(7)~=2.6 is aesthetically too long of a jump.  note: despite being called bishop and ferz, these pieces feel different from orthodox chess on a square tessellation because movement does not occur through a shared vertex.  instead, movement happens along a shared edge.  it feels like jumping.

triangular chess: let movement perpendicularly through an edge be called wazir movement (distance = 1).  straight line repeated wazir movement is not possible.  zigzag repeated wazir movement is possible, call this a zigzag rook.  two possibilities for movement through a vertex: call them knight (distance = sqrt 3, can move to 6 locations), and ferz (distance = 2).  knight is colorbound (2 colors).  ferz is colorbound (4 colors).  two possibilities for a straight-line ranged piece which alternates wazir and ferz movement, depending on which move is first.  they could be called (regular) rook and bishop, but because they alternate move types, they are not analogous to chess on a square board.  (the analogous pieces on a square board would move at the same angle as a nightrider but hit intermediate squares.)  nightrider (repeated triangular knight movement) hits half the squares of a zigzag rook.  does it repeatedly jump or do triangles of the other color have to be unoccupied?  make the royal piece move as a wazir-knight-ferz compound (12 possible moves).

previously, degree of colorboundedness.

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