Wednesday, February 08, 2017

[bqbrezti] Is the particle physics desert empty?

The particle physics desert theory states that all fundamental particles have mass less than 1 TeV or greater than 10^13 TeV.  There is a desert between 1 and 10^13.

Can this theory be tested without having to test all the way up to 10^13 TeV?  If one has to do that, the theory is useless.  In particular, can the theory be proven correct (a weird thing to do to a theory) by only testing up to 1 TeV?

What is the nature of inflation, neutrino mass, dark matter, and dark energy?  Assuming the desert theory is proven true, will the answers to these questions definitely be found before 1 TeV?  Or, if the answers aren't found, will we definitely know we will not be able know the answers until we can build (at least) GUT-scale particle accelerators?

Of course, astronomers can observe relics from when the universe was at GUT-scale energy to try to answer these questions.

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