Monday, January 09, 2017

[lvbetgkb] Right section of a function

A left section of a binary (two-argument) function is easy to write in Haskell using partial function application: just omit the last (right) argument.  A right section is a little bit more awkward, requiring backquotes, lambda, or flip.

import Data.Function((&));

-- example binary function (not an operator)
f2 :: a -> [a] -> [a];
f2 = (:);

-- we will use the larger functions later
f3 :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a];
f3 _ = (:);

f4 :: Bool -> Int -> a -> [a] -> [a];
f4 _ _ = (:);

test :: [String];
test = map (\f -> f 'h') -- all of these evaluate 'h':("el"++"lo") yielding hello
[ (`f2` ("el" ++ "lo")) -- backquotes (grave accents) are inline operator syntax. An inline operator followed by an argument, all surrounded by parentheses, is operator right section syntax: one is supposed to imagine a hole in front of the backquotes: (__ `f2` ("el" ++ "lo"))
, (\arg1 -> f2 arg1 ("el" ++ "lo")) -- lambda syntax
, (\arg1 -> f2 arg1 $ "el" ++ "lo")
, ((flip f2) ("el" ++ "lo"))
, ((flip f2) $ "el" ++ "lo")
, (flip f2 $ "el" ++ "lo")
, (flip f2 ("el" ++ "lo")) -- It might be a little surprising that this one works, if one had thought of "flip" as a function taking only one argument, namely the function to be flipped. However, because of currying, it actually takes 3 arguments. flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c.
, ("el" ++ "lo" & flip f2)

-- For these 3- and 4-argument cases, we would like to create a lambda on the penultimate argument.
-- , (`f3 (2 + 3)` ("el" ++ "lo")) -- This does not work because the contents of the backquotes must be a binary function that is a single token, not an expression.
, (let { t2 = f3 (2 + 3) } in (`t2` ("el" ++ "lo")))
, (\penultimate -> f3 (2 + 3) penultimate ("el" ++ "lo"))
, (\penultimate -> f3 (2 + 3) penultimate $ "el" ++ "lo") -- this wordy lambda syntax is one of the best in terms of low parenthesis count and avoiding deep parentheses nesting.
, (flip (f3 (2 + 3)) ("el" ++ "lo")) -- similar to "a little surprising" above
, (flip (f3 (2 + 3)) $ "el" ++ "lo")
, (flip (f3 $ 2 + 3) $ "el" ++ "lo")
, ((flip $ f3 (2 + 3)) $ "el" ++ "lo")
, ((flip $ f3 $ 2 + 3) $ "el" ++ "lo")
, ("el" ++ "lo" & (f3 (2 + 3) & flip))
, ("el" ++ "lo" & (2 + 3 & f3 & flip))

, (\penultimate -> f4 (not True) (2 + 3) penultimate ("el" ++ "lo"))
, (\penultimate -> f4 (not True) (2 + 3) penultimate $ "el" ++ "lo")
, (let { t2 = f4 (not True) (2 + 3) } in (`t2` ("el" ++ "lo")))
, (flip (f4 (not True) (2 + 3)) ("el" ++ "lo"))
, (flip (f4 (not True) (2 + 3)) $ "el" ++ "lo")
, ((flip $ f4 (not True) (2 + 3)) $ "el" ++ "lo")
, ((flip $ f4 (not True) $ 2 + 3) $ "el" ++ "lo")
, ("el" ++ "lo" & (f4 (not True) (2 + 3) & flip))
, ("el" ++ "lo" & (2 + 3 & f4 (not True) & flip))
, ("el" ++ "lo" & (2 + 3 & (not True & f4) & flip))

(\f -> f 'h') could have been written ($ 'h') , a right section itself, but we deliberately avoid being potentially obscure in the test harness.

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