Tuesday, April 16, 2019

[gdicgeoz] Inverse conversion constants

1 inch = 0.0833 foot
1 foot = 0.33 yard
1 foot = 0.00018939 mile

1 second = 0.0167 minute
1 minute = 0.0167 hour
1 hour = 0.0417 day
1 day = 0.14 week
1 day = 1/365.2425 = 0.0027379070 gregorian year
1 month = 1/12 = 0.0833 year

1 ounce = 0.0625 pound (exact)
1 pound = 0.0005 ton (exact)

We provide one significant digit more than the number of digits in the integer constants in the forward direction.  This is kind of bogus because the integers were exact.

The inverse conversions between the US fluid volume units {tablespoon, fluid ounce, cup, pint, quart, gallon} are powers of 0.5.

1/2 = 0.5 (exact)
1/4 = 0.25 (exact)
1/8 = 0.13
1/16 = 0.0625 (exact)
1/32 = 0.0313
1/64 = 0.0156
1/128 = 0.07813
1/256 = 0.003906

1 teaspoon = 0.33 tablespoon

For both metric and imperial units, their forward conversions are exact integers.  But metric shines in its inverse conversions also being compact exact decimal constants.

1 gram = 0.001 kilogram (exact)

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