Sunday, December 30, 2018

[xziplfdp] Hoping the fart spray glitter bomb is a hoax

Here's to hoping that Mark Rober reveals that the victims of his glitter bomb / fart spray device were paid actors not actual package thieves, and his video was a performance piece demonstrating how easily people -- viewers who enjoyed the video --- become heartless and cruel toward those who are Not One Of Us.  And enjoy being heartless and cruel: Schadenfreude.  And support vigilantism when the legal system is not cruel enough toward those who are Not One Of Us.

Those for whom package theft is a rational course of action to make a living, to make ends meet, despite the normal risks of getting caught and punished by the criminal justice system, are likely from social classes which are Not One Of Us.

This probably won't happen.  But it does suggest making a similar video (with actors) that does make this point.

Update: some of the thieves have been revealed to be fake; however, the point of the video still seems to be to celebrate, not criticize, Schadenfreude.

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